Looking Back: First Book
Back in 2013, I published my very first book, Kingdom of Bats. A lot can change - and has changed - in seven years. I got married, had kids, and my writing style has evolved.
I decided to revisit that first book: rereading it and seeing whether my perspective on the story has changed over these seven years.
And… I found Kingdom of Bats to be a good book! But for different reasons than I expected.
The themes of good versus evil, and how the past affects the present, were what stood out to me.
A variety of bat species are introduced, along with other animals, creating a colourful and diverse world.
And I found the climax exciting and well-paced… even if it was too early on in the book!
It’s evident that this was my first published work, with my writing and storytelling less polished and developed than future works. It’s interesting to see how far I’ve come since then, and how much better I feel about how I wrote my most recent books, The Quest and The Loss.
Thank you to those of you who’ve shown an interest in the art contest: it sounds like some artists are hard at work on their pieces! Remember, the contest is currently open for submissions, and will close at the end of January.