Handling Crisis Part 2
To think: the year 2020 will be over in just a few weeks.
A lot has changed over the course of this year. I know I’ve gained a new perspective on life. One for which I’m not ungrateful.
This year has brought both pain and joy for me: the sadness of events surrounding the pandemic and the sense of unrest; and the joy of my new baby girl.
When all the craziness of 2020 started, I hoped to come through this year with greater wisdom and strength. And I believe I have gained both.
I was reminded that prayer can be more than an activity I pursue on the side. If I’m more intentional about it, it can change me, my priorities, and how I see the world. Maybe it can even change the world itself.
Racism wasn’t really on my radar before. Thanks to this year, I’ve realized I spent my time thinking about cultures far away, and forgetting that other cultures live alongside my own. Cultures practiced by people who, quite fairly, can feel sidelined, ignored, or unheard.
What to do with that knowledge… I’m still learning.
I feel like this year has marked the start of a new journey for me. Maybe some of you feel the same way.
I could go on, but I believe I’ve rambled enough for now. I’ll leave with this final note…