A Librarian Part 2
A librarian’s work is never done.
Back in the blog post A Librarian, I mentioned that I’m now running the library at my church.
I’ve learned a few things about the people in my church just from working in the library.
One, the children love reading; which is a mixture between the blessing of “Yay, children who get excited about books!” and the curse of eternally untidy children’s book shelves.
And two, the adults love to donate books, often in large amounts; which is a mixture between the blessing of “Wow, we have a very giving congregation!” and the curse of piles of books to sort through and prepare for entry into the collection.
All in all, the work isn’t bad, but a more gargantuan task than I expected it would be. Though at the end of the day, how gargantuan it is depends on just how organized you want to keep things. Do you care if the children’s books are facing every which direction on the shelf? That fiction titles aren’t organized by the author’s last name? That we have two or three copies of the same DVD? That someone left the lid off on the hot chocolate powder by the sink and now the ants are devouring it?
If nothing else, running the library has thus far been a fun learning experience, both about the people in our church and about myself.